Evolution5 | Absolute Healing | Details and Registration

10 day monthly evolutional program to unlock your full potential and become One.

Wednesday 05/17/23 through Friday 05/26/23 | 7:00 PM PT

  • Do you often feel fatigued and lack of energy?
  • Would you like to find relief from chronic pain?
  • Do you have a genetic disease that runs in your family?
  • Are you experiencing a heavy feeling that defies scientific explanation?
  • Any unexplained physical discomfort that doctors haven’t been able to diagnose?
  • Are you seeking a faster healing process for any existing diseases you may have?
  • Are you aging so fast and you don’t know what is going on?

Absolute Healing is about your health, rejuvenation, and youthfulness. By clearing out the frequency and most importantly the lineage pattern that you hold on to, we can reset your DNA and activate the healing power within you. We are going to work directly on your organs as well. It’s a powerful and magical one. You will witness and make a stronger connection to the brilliance within you.

Ten years ago, I was advised to remove both my thyroid glands due to cancer. Despite this recommendation, I chose not to undergo surgery as I believed there were numerous alternative healing methods available to me. I am happy to report that I successfully healed my thyroid cancer and still possess my thyroid glands to this day.

We invite you to join our 10-day program, where you can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of your physical discomfort and find effective ways to heal your body.

Program Break Down:

Evening TransMeds (Transformational Meditation) 7:00 PM PT|09:00 PM CT|10:00 PM ET

Day 1 to 5 :Evening TransMed (Transformational Meditation) 1 hour

Day 6 & 7 : Evening TransMed 30 minutesmeditation

Day 8 & 9 : Observation & Journaling of any kind( writing, recording voice, taking video)You will be on your own. There is no TransMed.

Day 10: Enhancement Session including TransMed, q&a, sharing 

In TransMeds we are working on Clearing, Upgrading, Stabilizing and Nurturing. You will have it all!

Replays are included at no extra cost.

It is included a guideline for your diet and physical activity.

There is a support group that you can join on Telegram to get more support during and after the program.

This program is for :

All people and all ages

If you want to change any aspects of your life

This is not for you if:

Energy and Frequency work such as that offered by Armineh Turgeon of Illumination Within is not for everyone.  If you are mentally unstable/weak, tend to blame others for your problems, and/or not willing or not able to take personal responsibility, energy and frequency work is not right for you.  If you tend to see your experience as everyone and everything doing things TO you, and you do not see yourself as an active participant in the situations that arise in your life, energy and frequency work is probably not for you.

If you have or believe that you may have a physical or mental health issue, and/or any medical concerns, please consult a licensed medical doctor, therapist or counselor and obtain the appropriate treatment – you must not rely on Armineh Astanbous and the products and services available on the Illumination Within website and other platforms as an alternative to medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.


By viewing this statement, purchasing, downloading, using and/or registering for any of our products, services, and/or events, you confirm that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to our Disclaimer, Liability Waiver and Cancellation Policy and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Armineh Turgeon, and any of Illumination Within’s employees, contractors or volunteers (“the Illumination Within Team”) from and against any and all claims, loss, damage, injury, cost (including court costs and attorney’s fees), charges, liability or exposure, however caused, resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the use of any of the products, services and information provided by Ms. Turgeon and/or the Illumination Within Team.